Thursday, June 28, 2012

Juggling jobs

These have been some crazy days!  Once again, I haven't posted regularly, but I have been super busy.  I started as the director of Geneva Center's Summer Camp Program, but I am also active in the community ministry work on Friday evenings and Saturdays and a little Sunday.  I've been preaching every week mainly at Memorial Presbyterian in South Bend so there's also the additional homiletic endeavor.  Whew!

I have got to say, though, that Geneva Center is a great experience.  When high school aged kids talk about being closer to God, something good is happening.  When grade school school kids quietly sit to do Bible study and talk about parables, we are building God's kingdom.  I went into this year a little doubtful about the general principle of camp, but my experiences this month have convicted me about the value of the camp experience.

I'm continuing work in the far northwest of South Bend and there are several blooming opportunities for partnership.  Most recently, Sonnyvilla contacted me about enlisting Memorial and or Westminster to do some grandparent mentorship.  The garden is growing, but we are hurting for watter.  Shauna is generously tossing water on my parched little plot while I'm in Rochester.  I thought I had some pictures I could share, but they're stuck on another computer.  TAP struggles with leadership issues and I am hoping that they can soldier on until I return to lead some things in mid-July.

Finally, I have had the privilege to preach several times for Memorial Presbyterian.  This community of faith is working through their leadership issues and discerning what will best suit them.  It is an honor to be a part of this conversation and witness the Presbyterian process in action.  I am preaching almost every Sunday at one place or another and that's good 'cause I like preaching.

I have a lot to keep in the air right now and I'm beginning to tire, but there are so many opportunities to glorify God and build the kingdom.

1 comment:

  1. Today (June 29) brought a respite from the 100-degree high of Thursday -- a line of showers were on the thin side however here at Niles, MI in Berrien county. The South Bend (Indiana) airport measured more than half an inch but our total was more between 1 and 2 tenths.
    This is an interesting blog and I look forward to hearing more about how the Camp Program work is going / hoas completed; the St. John's UCC newsletter article by Harry Clark mentions on page 1 that you will be preaching here in Niles (601 Sycamore Street) on two July Sundays. Best wishes for a great July -- May God enrich every day and every hour for you and your loved ones. Your friend in Christ -- Tim Shaw

    I also blog here in the Google cyberspace at
